136: Fish Cloverfield

Trevor shares an amazing story where his daughter goes Cloverfield on the family fish tank.

135: Bike Wrecks

James, Trevor and John swap stories about bike accidents and having the wind knocked out of them. Plus your stories via email and voice mail.

134: Lightning Streaks

Erik Fisher, host of WBR Show, joins the NLCast guys to share a great camp shower story where nothing goes the way it should.

133: Student Police

Trevor tells of a time he tried to use his authority to stop a gang of large kids from smoking in the bathroom.

132: The Apology

James goes off on a Walmart employee and faces the consequences.

131: The Long Way Home

John tells of a time that a teenage James played a stupid joke on his mother as she gave him a ride home. James feels stupid to this day about it.

130: Fireside Chat

It’s our 2009 Christmas Show! We talk about Santa and our Christmas memories.

129: Narthex

The narthex of a church is the entrance or lobby area. Why is that funny? Get your participant code and you’ll find out!

128: Ceiling Butter

John shares a story that could (should) become America’s newest Thanksgiving tradition.

127: NLCast Uncut

James is all settled in Florida so it’s time for an E and V-mail show.

124: Bumper Stick

James, Trevor and John read and respond to listener email and voicemail.

123: Nameplate Hate

After Trevor tells a story of stealing nameplates in High School, he decides that he wasn’t a great kid after all.

122: The Doomed Pets

Guest host Jennifer of Geek Loves Nerd crashes the party to share a series of stories of the Kennison’s pets… all of whom have met with a tragic end.

120: The Clown Letdown

John shares a great story about a long-distance relationship that ended in the worst way possible.

119: The Breakup Show

Breakup with Skype is more like it! In spite of the many Skype issues… we manage to share some pretty funny and embarrassing breakup stories and a surprise guest host!

118: All Plants Go To Heaven

It’s an e-n-v-mail show with tons of info about male powdering, the eternal destination of plants, and John’s disturbing reviews of District 9.

117: Hot Beach

John tells of a secret crush he had on his first grade teacher.

116: The Can

James tells of a time he buried a trash can full of dog poo in his backyard.

115: Kilt Guilt

Trevor’s wife guest-hosts and shares a story about getting busted while checking what her husband had on under his kilt.

114: Man Wife

Get ready for a hilariously random show with random stories, random listener submitted emails and voicemails. Plus a special opening song by Rockstar Paul!

113: Pollyanna Is Hot

Again, it’s listener Email and Voicemail… and for some reason John thinks a young Hayley Mills is a hottie.

112: Deer Deer

This week it’s all about you cause it’s an all E and V-mail show peeps! Check out Geek is Chic Podcast and chicken pop pod!

109: Back Fire

It’s a theme show. A theme show about fire. So the show’s theme is fire themed. James, Trevor and John ‘put out’ their best fire-related stories… and yours as well! Check out WBR Podcast and Chicken Pop Pod.

108: Pyro Boy

This week John tells a couple of stories about playing with fire. Also featuring some of the best listener submitted stories of all time.

107: Wookie Cushion

It’s an all e and v-mail show. Fluffy bees, wookie cushions, forgotten visitors, root canals, lazy McDonald’s employees, ninja bikers and more!

106: Elevator Action

This week we’re joined by our new guest-host John, but Trevor gets the featured story this week… and it’s a doozy. Visit CleanCasts.com the all-new clean podcast directory.

105: Recap 2: Inside Jokes

It’s the second in a two-part recap series! This week focuses on the inside jokes of the show: Broke Ya, “I have news for you!”, “Let’s Just Say”, Lucy, and more!

104: The Recap Show

A mashup of stories, updates and recap songs from the first eight episodes of Nobody’s Listening. Huge props to Logan for the mashup at the end and Mike for the “News for You” mashup at the opening.

103: A Mighty Wind

Guest-host John tells of a time he added his own fire to the Sunday sermon. Special thanks to Daniel B. for the mashup! Check out CleanCasts.com for more clean podcast goodness!

102: Tickey The Ratmouse

Trevor gets pwnd by his 2 year old daughter. James is driven mad by a ticking noise in his basement. Someone mentions Tom Selleck.

101: The Giant Meatball

Trevor tells a couple of stories about working for a giant meatball where people push buttons all day. James talks about blowing bubbles in chocolate milk and putting rings on things he likes. Then they read your stories and make fun of middle schoolers. Another typical show really.

100: The One I Won

It’s our 100th show! Hallelu-jah! James tells a series of stories about the fights he’s lost over the years and the one fight he won, but never fought!

99: Rock-n-Roll Granny

A rock-n-roll granny. Carelessness with an air can. Slushy explosions. Jelly communion. A ton of Middle School Drama. Enjoy! Next week is show 100! Send us your audio! Everyone to gets something played or read on the show gets a free NLCast sticker!

98: The Deep Country

Never bury 126 pounds of dead animals in one spot. Never trust a man giving rides on his horse on your street. Just a few of the valuable life lessons you’ll learn in this week’s fact-packed episode.

97: Wenus To The Jaw

It’s a random show full of listener stories via email and voice mail. James blames his concussion on firefighters and Trevor hates on Canadian airlines.